its late but i still accept ^^
i love this!!!
long zhou festival coming soon ???
the "exterior" design are actually quite nice
but the shops inside...like the sp jucso
walked for half and hour and...
search food around the shop lots outside the sutera mall
final target
one of the Korean restaurant, forget the name
started with 客。。。家/食?
Over there got lots restaurants, i planed to eat at other after the Korean food
i thought i would able to refill some "snack"
dessert + very full's me
the cup of yellow stuff, duno its pumpkin or egg yolk ==
tasted, okay to ec but kinda weird to me
i was very very full , over fulled that time
but plan to jio more people for that suppose to be 2 person set (^o^)v
they are damn delicious la
the seasoning chicken and the grilled pork *thumb up*
when we back i realize something strange
the land over there
sort like, parking lots design???
or there are suppose to be parking lot for cars???
but i was wondering, how the car drives on...
went to MBO for the predator
nice movie, cold cinema , damn punctual, started at 615 sharply @@
after woke up in the lovely's Sunday...afternoon~~~
thought its sausage but it wasnt
salmon sausage if i was nt miztaken
a must order no.1
a must order no.2
people who loves wasabi might love this
like ship,bringing me back to UTM to face the pressure as final year student!!!