yesterday night,i had ma dinner with some of ma course mate
v had at
pizza hutwhile on the way to the pizza hut
a weird looking man
crash on me
n there is another person trying to
split me n ma fren
i was kinda in blurr blurr conditon
but d monent that weird man crash me
i hold ma hand phone tidely
that is wat ma mind told me to
n ma brilliant mind is correct
sum1 is actually trying to
snap away ma phone!!!!
they were actually a gang
utm students pls
bewareit happened inside
juscoin the
pizza hut
i have to say
what a
bad service they been provided!
dirty glasses,
tasteless soup,
chilled cheese powder...
guys,im sorry for doing the wrong decision
it seem lk that wasnt a correct place to go
chi fong
seak yin
siew qian
sin hooi
thx u guys for joining that dinner