put ON music and OFF ma lovely bear 1st...
today,is a special day to me
cz i had run from the curse which had troubled me for long time ago (since yesterday)
and im very very lucky
anyway,石雪憓are reborn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but,of course not everything is going to follow what we wished
or else that would not be call as WISH
nothing to do
seeing back those photos which have been taken years ago (form5,maxwell hill,trips)
recalling back those priceless memories
almost all buddies are changed
in those photos
i realised
we were once...
very "young and naive" although we might be d older in that school (17,18)
when we were all still shorted hair (girls)
when we were botak (guys)
when our skin were still shinning shinning
when our mind were only think of studing and pah toh+ing
when we were still very fit (wei kit boon thye)
when we were still paut paut (me jun yan)
when we were still looking silly (most of us ^^)
when we were still able to laugh sincerely from our soul
when we were able to hold hand with hand
when we were able to talk as freely as we could
when we were able to dream as big as we want
when guy and girl are simply mean to be friend
i miss those moment which i knew i'm not going to return back
what i could do now is storing them tidily in ma mind
i'm so glad that u guys were once participated in my life
friends,i'm here to wish u all ALL THE BEST for the future
happy birthday for those who i had no chance to greet them
the song-first love seem likes not really related to our pass memories la..sound more to your first love..lol..